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Writer's picturePhilip Bruno

What Almost EVERY Business Gets Wrong About Meta Ads:

Updated: Jul 25, 2024

Biggest problem with advertising on Meta? It looks extremely complicated.

And Pretty nerve wracking.

Meta knows this. Their yearly ad revenue is over 100 BILLION

(yes, with a B). So you can safely assume that they have some pretty clever people walking around.

Which is why they give you the option to ‘boost’ your posts.

This is an ultra simple way to spend money on ads and tons of business owners use it without ever realizing that they’re throwing money away hand over fist.

Yes, if you boost a post you get more exposure. But you’re missing out on basically everything that makes Meta such a great way to get clients:

You’re limited to only the post types that exist for organic posts

You can’t effectively target a particular audience based on an action you want to take

You can’t add square photos, change customize the headline or description

You can’t run the ad on both Facebook and Instagram

Using a boosted post to reach clients is like trying to win a bicycle race with a kiddie bike and training wheels. When you’re through with this guide you’re going to upgrade from a kiddie bike to a shiny carbon framed ultrafast racing bike.

So… what SHOULD you be doing?

You should be using the Meta ads tool. It gives you more options, more targeting and most importantly… WAY more results.

So, from today forward we will never use ‘boost post’ again.

Unless you hate money. In which case you should always boost posts.

Attracting Clients Without

Spending A Fortune

One of the best things about Meta ads is that you can start using it and getting results without spending a fortune.

Print ads, television ads, influencer marketing… they all require you to shell out a ton of money without having any idea if this is going to work or not. Before you know it you’re down thousands of dollars and you haven’t moved the needle in any way.

Meta ads are different.

You determine exactly what you want to spend every day, week or month on Meta ads. And you can check the results regularly to see if things are moving in the right direction.

So, how much is this going to cost you?

Relevance is critical for success when using Facebook advertising. It takes a while for the algorithm to pick up on the audience you want to reach and optimize for that. Once it locks in, you’re off to the races and it’s time to optimize.

With that being said - this still requires an investment. And too many times I see business owners happily spend thousands of dollars on all sorts of things… but expect results while spending $1/day on Meta ads.

They end up spending more on coffee every day than they do on their business. And that doesn’t make sense.

When we work with clients we have a simple goal. Get to the point where every $1 you put in advertising gets you at least $2 in return.

We do that by testing and tweaking consistently until we reach that goal. If you want to see what we could do with your business, get in touch by clicking here.

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